Peter Rothschild

Peter Rothschild

Chairman of the Board since 2011. Born 1950.

Master of Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of BioGaia AB, TriPac AB, TwoPac Aktiebolag, TwoPac Machine AB, Looft Industries AB, CapAble AB, TwoPac Laboratories AB, MetaboGen AB, Atina Enterprises AB, Nefor Holding AB and Voranco Holding AB. Member of the Board of Directors of Glycom A/S and Annwall & Rothschild Investments AB.
Previously CEO of BioGaia AB (publ), member of the Board of Directors of Moberg Pharma AB and the Institution of Biology and Biochemistry at Chalmers University.

Shareholding in the Company: 453 283 series A shares and 721 351 series B shares through Annwall & Rothschild Investments AB, a company co-owned with Jan Annwall.

Non-independent in relation to the Company, its management and in relation to major shareholders.
Margareta Hagman

Margareta Hagman

Board member since 2015. Born 1966.

Master of Business Administration, Örebro University.
Active as advisor and consultant in accounting and finance.
Previously CFO and Deputy CEO of BioGaia AB, Board member of BioGaia Production AB, CapAble AB and Annwall & Rothschild AB.

Shareholding in the Company: 5 284 series B shares.

Independent in relation to the Company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.
Anthon Jahreskog

Anthon Jahreskog

Board member since 2017. Born 1980.

MSc Financial Management.
Anthon is former Chief Operating Officer, Fund Linked Products, Credit Suisse Investment Bank, London. Anthon is currently working as a business strategist and advisor in various industries.
Anthon is a member of the Board of Directors of BioGaia AB, Annexin Pharmaceuticals AB and Fast Track Holdings Ltd.

Shareholding in the company: 24,270 series B Shares

Independent of the company and its management but not in relation to major shareholders.
Eva Idén

Eva Idén

Board member since 2017. Born 1966.

Eva has a Degree in Chemical Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology. She has extensive experience from leading management positions in Astra and AstraZeneca.
Eva is currently a consultant in leadership and organizational development, and is the business owner of Better & Beyond AB and a partner in Inflecto AB. Eva Idén is on the board of Better & Beyond AB.

Shareholding in the company: 560 series B shares.

Independent in relation to the Company and its management and in relation to major shareholders.
Kristina Sjöblom Nygren

Kristina Sjöblom Nygren

Board Member since 2018. Born 1961

Kristina has received a Doctor of Medical Sciences from Karolinska Institutet and is a licensed physician. She is Chief Medical Officer, Head of Clinical Development, since May 2021 at Egetis Therapuetics in Stockholm. Kristina Sjöblom Nygren has extensive experience from the pharmaceutical industry, where she has held among other positions Chief Medical Office, Head Development at Santhera Pharmaceuticals in Basel and Head of Clinical Development at SOBI in Stockholm.

Shareholding in the Company: 100 series B Shares

Independent in relation to the Company, its management and in relation to major shareholders.

Holdings in Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB as of July 31, 2023